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A diagram of the structure & functions of radiomap (485.8 KB)


The admin-tool is necessary for fostering and maintenance of the web-based XML data stored in a MySQL database queried by php. The radiomap application is an „empty shell“ loading all the current data every time it starts from the server. I outlined the affordances and Stephan had the idea for the admin-tool and conceived the intricately interdependent database structure.

The different values as stations, genres, formats, cities, countries and languages are heavily interdipendant. E.g. Bengali stations in Chicago, USA. We have streaming audio (formats qt, wmv, ra, mp3) from radio-stations (name, genres, language) > in cities (name, Lat/Lon) > in countries (name) etc.

The Admin-Tool consists of eight different editor-areas (windows):
Stations (main-window) + Station-Genres, mediatypes, genres, languages, countries, cities, map,

Stephan Huber developed the structure of the database from the requirements outlined in the concept. This is the documentation.

Stations editor

To add a radio station. Cities, countries, language and media types are created before.

Overview window

Displays all stations and their properties
Stations overview
Shows all stations, sortable by attributes

Name of Station, field

String of characters + figures

URL of Homepage, field

url of homepage for sreenbased version, string

URL of stream, field

URL to stream resource, http

Volume default for station, field

Different stations have different default volumes. From deafening loud to whisperingly silent.

comment, field

text, personal comments, why disabled, unreliable etc.

mediatype, dropdown

editable in other window, different mediatypes as qt, wmv, ra

city, dropdown

editable in other window, cities, alphabetically?

language, dropdown

editable in language window,

favorite, checkbox

the first station listed in the screenbased version

disabled, checkbox

alternative for deleting a station that is temporarily unavailable

environment only, checkbox

the station that is available in the environment only; other stations in the same city are ignored.

Add Genres to a station

Checkboxes that allow to select multiple genres for any station.

Add a City to database

Editor to add a city


City Name, field

Latitude, field

Latitude Degrees, e.g.: 37n47

Lon , field

Longitude Degrees, e.g. 122w25

Country, dropdown

Edited in country editor

Create new Country

To add countries for the cities

Create new Language

To edit the language stations broadcast in.
! Not country, not city

Create new media-type

the format of the radio stream, usually Quicktime, WMV, RealAudio or mp3 (streaming mpeg)

Create new Genre

The „format“ of the radio broadcast: news, jazz, etc.


The possibility to verify positions of cities by crosshairs, displaying, city name + lat/lon. Map in 1:1 scale

last update: 1/7/02008 0:53

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