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Presentations, Publications:

To access a paper, send me an email.

Working on a book chapter for Springer Vlg.

Kulick, G., Hohl, M., Dobler, J. (2024) DESIGN RESEARCH INCUBATION
Reflections on a research project about doing and supervising design research, 80 pages, ISBN 978-3-96057-169-8

Kulick-2024-Design-Research-Supervision (10.8 MB)

Hall, A.,and Hohl, M.(2023) Confidence and doubt in doctoral research: The temptation of certainty, in De Sainz Molestina, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (eds.), International Association of Societies of Design Research IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, 9-13 October, Milan, Italy.

Vissonova, K.,and Hohl, M.(2023) From Consumer Capitalism to Wellbeing: Re-imagining Futures of Design Education in the View of Pluriverse,
in Derek Jones, Naz Borekci, Violeta Clemente, James Corazzo, Nicole Lotz, Liv Merete Nielsen, Lesley-Ann Noel (eds.), The 7th International Conference for Design Education Researchers, 29 November - 1 December 2023, London, United Kingdom.

Thiess, S. Ingmar, 2023, Teaching Graphic Design: Approaches, Insights, the Role of Listening and 24 Interviews with Inspirational Educators, Birkhäuser, Edition angewandte, Michael Hohl p.137-143

Hohl, M., Hartwig, B., Gellert, U., Pollmeier, K., Enigk, V., Gernegross, T., and Kozig, L. (2022) Workgroup curriculum: Design students & teachers co-designing new ways of learning, in Lockton, D., Lenzi, S., Hekkert, P., Oak, A., Sádaba, J., Lloyd, P. (eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao, 25 June - 3 July, Bilbao, Spain. (peer-review)

Hohl, Michael (2021), How Will It Benefit the Community? Designing a Cybernetic Curriculum for the Common Good in Junginger, Sabine and Botta, Massimo (eds.) Design as Common Good / Framing Design through Pluralism and Social Values, Swiss Design Network Symposium 2021, p. 958-971, Conference Proceedings. Available at:

Hohl, Michael und Mathilde Scholz (2020) "Theorie Designen: Ein neues, partizipatives Lehrformat für Designtheorie im ersten Semester", in June H. Park (Hrsg.) "Designwissenschaft trifft Bildungswissenschaft" (Schriftenreihe Design & Bildung - Schriften zur Designpädagogik)

Hohl, Michael and Mathilde Scholz (2020) "Acting Cybernetically: Practicing Design Theory And Theorizing Design Practice as a Participatory Learning Journey" published in Cybernetics and Human Knowing. Vol. 27 (2020), no. 2, pp. 41-60

Hohl, Michael 2019, Second Order Cybernetics: Why and Where to Steer To, a commentary to Michael Lissack's Understanding Is a Design Problem: Cognizing from a Designerly Thinking Perspective. in She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, Volume 5, Issue 4
Pages 257-420 (Winter 2019)

Hohl, Michael 2019, Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in Kunst, Design und Architektur: Kriterien für praxisgeleitete PhD-Forschung, 176 Seiten, DOM publishers; ISBN-13: 978-3869226712

Hohl, Michael 2019, The Polynesian Voyaging Society as a Cybernetic Paradigm for a Design Curriculum p.195-217 in Thomas Fischer, Christiane M. Herr eds. Design Cybernetics: Navigating the New, Design Foundation Series, Springer Publishers, ISBN 978-3-030-18557-2

Hohl, Michael "Ecology, Systems Thinking, Designing and Second-Order Cybernetics" in Werner, Liss C. (ed.), Cybernetics: state of the art, TU Berlin book series 'CON-VERSATIONS', Bunschoten, R., Werner, L. C. (eds.), Vol. 1 , Universitätsverlag Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, 2017. Available at:

Hohl, Michael (2016), Rigor in Research, Honesty and Values in Varieties of Contemporary Second-Order Cybernetics in Riegler A. & Müller Karl H.. (2016) Open-Peer Commentary to Sweeting, B. Design Research as a Variety of Second-Order Cybernetic Practice, Constructivist Foundations 11(3): 1–6. Available online at

Hohl, Michael, (2016), “Mit den Werkzeugen der Konvivialität hin zu neuen Lebensstilen“ in Kremer, Elisabeth, “Mobilitätsdesign – für die Bauhausfahrradstadt“, Spectorbooks

Hohl_2016_Lebensstile.pdf (30.7 KB)

Hohl, Michael (2016) Teaching and Reflecting Reflection with Ranulph” in “Art | Architecture | Cybernetics | Design: London and the 1960IES” eds. Marianne Ertl, Werner Korn, Albert Müller, Edition Echoraum, Vienna, ISBN 978-3-901941-48-1

Sweeting B. & Hohl M. (2015) Exploring Alternatives to the Traditional Conference Format: Introduction to the Special Issue on Composing Conferences. Constructivist Foundations 11(1): 1–7. (Also co-editing this special issue on Composing Conferences) Available at

Hohl, Michael (2015), Desires, Constraints and Designing Second-Order Cybernetic Conferences in Sweeting B. & Hohl M. (2015) Exploring Alternatives to the Traditional Conference Format. Open-Peer Commentary, Constructivist Foundations 11(1): 1–7. Available at

Sweeting B. & Hohl M. (2015) Exploring Alternatives to the Traditional Conference Format. Constructivist Foundations 11(1): 1–7. Co-editing this special issue on Composing Conferences together with Ben Sweeting. Its around 120.000 words long and practically a book. It took the best part of one year selecting articles, having them reviewed, amended, and re-reviewed, up to seven times. Available at

Edwards, Clive 2015, The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design, Bloomsbury Academic, London. Contributed a selection of definitions for this new edition.

Hohl, Michael 2015, 'Cycles of continuous learning', in Carola Verschoor, Change Ahead:
How research and design are transforming business strategy, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam.

Michael Hohl, (2015) "Living in cybernetics: Polynesian voyaging and ecological literacy as models for design education", Kybernetes, Vol. 44 Iss: 8/9, pp.1262 - 1273

Larsen, I.B. & Hohl, M. (2015): Places as Language and Text: Christian Norberg-Schulz and Paul Ricoeur inspiring a framework for ethnographic Health research Nordisk sykepleieforskning/ Nordic Nursing Research No 2-3 - 2015 Vol 5 pp 121-132.
Full text available at Researchgate

Hohl, Michael 2014, Designing for the Senses: Information Visualisation, Epistemology, and Embodied Cognition in "DOCK OF LEARNING / DESIGN VON, ALS & JENSEITS VON WISSEN", Eds. Rosan Chow & Wolfgang Sasse, Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel

Hohl, M. 2014 Designing for the Senses (79.8 KB)

"Was ein Ph.D. in Kunst und Design sein kann." (2013), in 'Z. B. – Praxisbasierte Forschung in Kunst & Design', Eds.: Daniel Klapsing, Schirin Kretschmann, Lena Marbacher, Andine Müller, Jonas Weber Herrera, Verlag der Bauhaus Universität Weimar, ISBN: 978-3-86068-490-0

"Knowing without understanding" (2012) in 'Trojan Horses:' A Rattle Bag from the 'Cybernetics, Art, Design, Mathematics – A Meta-Disciplinary Conversation' post-conference workshop, Ranulph Glanville eds. Edition Echoraum, Vienna, ISBN 978-3-901941-38-2 (also one of the co-editors)

Knowing without understanding: Intuitive knowing, know-how, digital methods and blackbox computing (“Petabyte age”) (132.2 KB)

Hohl, Michael, Glanville, Ranulph (2012), "Notes from the reflecting workshop, Sint-Lucas, June 23rd – 25th, 2011" in Reflections 16, eds. De Maeyer, Gudrun, Sint-Lucas School of Architecture, ISSN: 1784-7052

Reflections Journal No.:16, Sint Lucas (7.1 MB)

Hohl, Michael, ed. (2012) Making visible the invisible: art, design and science in data visualisation. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-103-8 (In Press)

Michael Hohl, (2011)"From abstract to actual: art and designer-like enquiries into data visualisation", Kybernetes, Vol. 40 Iss: 7/8, pp.1038 - 1044

Wiltschnig, S. and Hohl, M. (2011), “A world brought forth with others?”, Kybernetes, Vol. 40 Nos 1/2, pp. 332–3

"Sensual Technologies: Embodied experience and visualisation of scientific data" (2011) in "BST, "Body, Space and Technology Journal", Volume 10 / Number 01, Brunel University - 2011 ISSN 1470-9120

Hohl-2011-Sensual-Technologies.pdf (1.9 MB)

Hohl, M (2010) ‘The phenomenology of getting used to the new: Some thoughts on memory, perception, numbing and the Zen-view’. In: Design and semantics of form and movement. Lucerne: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. pp. 39-47. ISBN 978-3-906413-80-8

Design Research Network Forum (2009) “Steering Courses and Discourses” presented a speculative research paper titled, “The Phenomenology of Getting Used to the New: Some thoughts on memory, forgetting, numbing and the Zen view”;

Hohl, M (2009) ‘Designing the art experience: using Grounded Theory to develop a model of participants' perception of an immersive telematic artwork’ Digital Creativity , 20 (3), pp. 187-196. ISSN 1462-6268

Hohl, M (2009) ‘Beyond the screen: visualizing visits to a website as an experience in physical space’ Visual Communication , 8 (3), pp. 273-284. ISSN 1470-3572

Hohl, M (2009) ‘Calm Technologies 2.0: Visualising Social Data as an Experience in Physical Space’ Parsons journal for information mapping , 1 (3), pp. 1-7.

In March 02009 I presented at the conference “Performing Presence: From the live to the simulated” in Exeter, UK. Paper: “Some thoughts on presence, immersion and calm technologies.”

In January 02009 I presented at “LEA09: Completing the Circle: Incorporating Evaluation Methods in Creative Work.” Paper: “Designing The Art Experience: Understanding And Improving Immersive Telematic Art With Social Science Methods” Interdisciplinary conference organised by the British Computer Society BCS, Design Research Society and the Computer Art Society. Publication in Proceedings. (Peer review)

In July 2008 I presented at EVA, Electronic Visualisation and the Arts sponsored by the British Computer Society BCS and CAS the Computer Arts Society. My presentation titled "Sensual Displays: From verbose visualisation on the screen to sensual displays in physical space" had slightly progressed from my position-paper "Beyond graphs or charts: Visualising web statistics with natural displays in physical space." in that it presented a range of "emotional presence indicators." (Peer review)

In 2007 Media-N, the Journal for the New Media Caucus, published in its edition "Bits, Bytes and the Rhetoric of Practice: New Media Artist Statements 2007" Fall 2007 v.03 n.01, a statement of mine which emphasised the relationship between telematics and visualisation technologies in relation to my own research.

Schuricht, S., Hohl, M. and Struppek, M. (2007) ‘Freequent Traveller’. In: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Tangible and embedded interaction - TEI '07. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. pp. 247-250. ISBN 978-1-59593-619-6

Hohl, M., Schuricht, S. and Struppek, M. (2006) ‘Double Room: An exploration of public space with the Zen View’. In: Proceedings of the ninth conference on Participatory design: Expanding boundaries in design . New York: Association for Computing Machinery. .

Schuricht, S., Hohl, M. and Struppek, M. (2006) ‘Freequent Traveller: Interaction versus Contemplation’ Static (4), pp. 1-5. ISSN 1754-5374

In May 2006 I presented the results of the Main Study doctoral research at “Reframing Consciousness 8” conference taking place in Plymouth, UK. ISBN 1-84102-158-X

In April 2005 I presented a paper on my PhD pilot study at the Leonardo/OLATS conference “Planetary Consciousness and the Arts” in Yverdon, Switzerland.

In December 2004 I presented a paper at the doctoral consortium of the “Space and Spatiality” conference at Napier University, Edinburgh.

In November 2004 I presented a paper about my research methodology at the “No one opens attachments any more” symposium at Lancaster University, UK.

In October 2004 I exhibited the screen-based version of my research application Radiomap at the arts track of the ACM SIG Multimedia conference at Columbia University, NY.

In August 2004 I presented my PhD research project at the doctoral consortium of the ACM SIG “Designing Interactive Systems” (DIS) conference in Cambridge, MA.

In April 2004 I presented my research on “Transforming data from one sensorial modality to another” at the Pixelraiders 2 conference in Sheffield, UK.

In February 2001 and February 2003 I presented my work “bits’n people,” created in collaboration with Björn Barnekow, at the “Sound Practice” conference in Dartington, Devon and at the “Learntec” educational conference in Karlsruhe, Germany.

In 2001 our project “world_cam” was presented at the Browser-Day in Amsterdam, created in collaboration with Jörg Müller. A server-side cgi script creates VRML on the fly, rendering webcam images in 3D space above a current map of the world. You can see this principle now in Google earth.

Overview/Pilot Study Leonardo/OLATS, Yverdon 2005 (1.2 MB)

2004: ACM SIG MM, NYC: Paper on Radiomap (505.4 KB)

ACM DIS, Boston: Methodology of the research. Here, There, Spatiality. (199.1 KB)

Peer-review and related activities since 2010

2024 Review/report for funding application UKRI
2024 Peer-reviewing for the journal Constructivist Foundations, Edition American Society for Cybernetics
2024 Peer-reviewing for IHCI 2024
2024 Peer-veviewing for design promoviert
2024 Peer-reviewing for Journal Kybernetes: The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences
2024 Reviewing for She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation
2023 Invitation to Networking group discussing doctoral studies in design (Germany)
2023 Invitation to Networking group „Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten lehren und lernen“
2023 Reviewing for DRS 2024, Boston, MA
2023 Reviewing funding application for IFAF, Berlin
2023 Invitation to doctoral supervision exchange, Lucerne
2023 More peer-reviewing for Journal Kybernetes
2023 Review for RSD12, Relating Systems Thinking and Design
2023 More peer-reviewing for Journal Kybernetes
2023 Peer-reviewing for Journal Kybernetes: The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences
2023 Peer-reviewing for nwk2023, HS Harz
2023 Peer-reviewing for IHCI 2023
2022 Invited talk at our in-house 'Designing Utopias' conference, Pluriverse, Polynesian sustainability culture & cybernetics incl. guest speaker Lesley-Ann Noel (Thank you, Lesley!)
2022 Invited panel discussion together w Joachim Krausse at 'Designing Utopias'
2022 More Peer-reviewing for Journal Kybernetes: The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences
2022 Inivited talk at RCA, London, IDE, about 'The seduction of certainty: Confidence & research'
2022 Inivited talk at HS Lucerne for doctoral students about practice-based research
2022 Peer-reviewing for the Journal 'Enacting Cybernetics' published by the UK Cybernetics Society
2022 Peer-reviewing for RSD11, Systemic Design Association,
2022 Peer-review more for CUMULUS Detroit, 2022
2022 Reviewing for IHCI 2022, 16th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
2022 Peer-reviewing for CUMULUS Detroit, 2022
2022 Peer-reviewing for Journal Kybernetes: The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences
2022 Peer-reviewing for DRS Bilbao, 2022
2022 Feb. 8. Invited talk at UdK Berlin, digital media design class, Jussi
2022 Moderating ASC panel discussion: Bruce Clarke, Cybernetics and the Gaia Hypothesis
2022 Reviewing funding application for IFAF, Berlin
2021 Invited talk and panel discussion with Brigitte Hartwig and Gabriela Aquije: "Conversations shape our tomorrow", 17 June 1 pm: Bauhaus Study Rooms „Infrastructure”
2021 Invited talk TUM, Munich, about doctoral dissertations in design
2021 Reviewing for Journal Kybernetes: The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences
2021 Reviewing for IHCI 2021, 15th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, Virtual
2020, October, 27th : "Methodology in Research by Art or Design" Invited talk at HafenCity University Hamburg, Workshop Series scientific-artistic research in architecture:
2020, September 12th, Invited talk at 52nd Annual Conference 2020: Cybernetics & the 21st-Century: Stories of Practice. Global Conversations: Practicing design theory & theorising design practice. ASC & CYBSOC
2020, July, 4th: Keynote presentation at Design promoviert and giving feedback to the doctoral students presenting their research.
2020 Invited talk: Practice-based Research in Design, Design Promoviert, Koeln
2020 Reviewing for IHCI 2020, 14th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction, Zagreb, Croatia
2020 Reviewing for Journal Cybernetics and Human Knowing
2019 Reviewing for AIGA DEC 2020 Design Edu Conference, Pittsburgh
2019 Reviewing for DRS 2020, Synergy, Brisbane, AU
2019 Reviewing for HUCAPP 2020, Human Interaction, Haptic and Multimodal Interaction, Theories, Models .... Malta.
2019 Reviewing more for FormAkademisk, Research Journal of Design and Design Education.
2019 Reviewing for Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction.
2019 Reviewing for FormAkademisk, Research Journal of Design and Design Education.
2019 Reviewing for ASC, American Society for Cybernetics.
2019 Reviewing for The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation
2018 Reviewing for DEC AIGA 2019 Design Conference, Pasadena.
2018 Reviewing even more for Journal Kybernetes.
2018 Reviewing funding application for IFAF Berlin
2018 Reviewing funding application for a PGRS research project @ XJTLU
2018 AIGA / DARIA 2018 Design Educators Research Conference
2018 Invited talk at "Thinking Through Complexity" Symposium, University of Bayreuth
2018 Panel member for Cybernetic Serendipity Reimagined symposium at AISB'18
2018 Reviewing for Journal Kybernetes
2018 Reviewing for DRS2018, Limerick
2017 Panel member for HUCAPP, Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
2017 Reviewing for DRS DESform Design Semantics conference 2017, Eindhoven.
2017 Reviewing for Emerald Publishers 'Kybernetes'.
2017 Reviewing for Springer Publishers 'Design foundations'.
2016 Reviewing for Impact by Designing - ARENA Third Annual Conference, KU Leuven
2016 Invited talk at "Cybernetics: state of the art", TU-Berlin.
2016 Invited talk at Echoraum: "Ranulph Glanville: Architecture | Art | Cybernetics | Design, London and the 1960-ies.", Vienna.
2016 Peer-review for HUCAPP, Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
2016 Peer-review for journal "Emotion, Space and Society"
2016 Peer-review for DGTF, Reflecting Research, Dessau
2016 Peer-review for EMCSR Avantgarde, Vienna & member of the Advisory Board.
2016 Peer-review for NWK 17, Schmalkalden
2016 Peer-review for IHCI 2016,
2016 Peer-review for DRS 2016 conference, Brighton, UK.
2015 Invited talk at ISSS,'Governing the Anthropocene', panel discussion "Systemic Design" .
2015 Moderating panel discussion 'Visionen einer mobilen Zukunft: Mobilitätsdesign & Stadtgestaltung', Stiftung Bauhaus, Dessau.
2015 Reviewing for DESForm Design Semantics conference 2015.
2015 peer-review for IASDR 2015 Papers: Interplay, Brisbane, AU.
2014 July, Invited talk at Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel. Title: "Designing for The Senses: Information Visualisation, Epistemology and embodied cognition" at 'Dock of Learning' Symposion.
2014 Peer-review for ACM TANGIBLE, EMBEDDED AND EMBODIED INTERACTION (TEI) 2015 January 16-19, 2015 in Palo Alto, California, USA
2013 Referee for practice-based doctoral research at ‘Design Promoviert’ PhD Design Colloquium, University of Applied Sciences Lucerne
2013 Peer-review for ‘Design promoviert’, Lucerne
2013 Co-development & delivery of 3-day workshop on ‘critical reflection’ at Sint Lucas School of Architecture, Brussels as part of research training seminar (RTS)
2013 Participation at invitation-only conference ‘DFG Roundtable: Design-research in Germany and in international comparison’, University of the Arts Berlin
2013 Member of Program Committee for 2013 conference ‘acting - learning - understanding’ organised by the American Society for Cybernetics, University of Bolton
2012 Member of Scientific Board for Conference ‘Knowing by Designing’, Brussels
2012 Peer-review for conference ‘Knowing by Designing’, Brussels
2012 Co-editor of proceedings of 2012 American Society of Cybernetics Conference
2012 Peer-review for Design Promoviert, Ph.D. colloquium at Bauhaus University Weimar
2012 Review for DRS 2012 conference: Bangkok
2012 Review for IADIS Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction conference (IHCI 2012)
2012 Review for SIGgraph Art Papers
2012 Pre-juror for SIGgraph Art Gallery
2012 Peer-review for ASC Cybernetics & Human Knowing 2012 (2nd-round, revised papers)
2012 Invited lecture at the Royal College of Art, London on “Grounded Theory for Design Researchers”.
2011 Invited lecture on practice-based research in art and design, Bauhaus University Weimar
2011 Workshop on practice-based research, Bauhaus University Weimar
2011 Organising peer-review and editing proceedings for interdisciplinary conference “ADS-VIS 2011 “Making visible the invisible: Art, Design and Science in Data Visualisation”. Publication in 2012.
2011 Conceiving and hosting international interdisciplinary conversational conference “Making visible the invisible: Art, Design and Science in Data-Visualisation” ADS-VIS 2011 with 35 artists, designers and scientists from all over Europe, Canada and the US. Invited guests: Environmental artist Andrea Polli, visualisation artist Luke Jerram, geneticist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, cyberneticist Ranulph Glanville.
2011 Keynote at “Design Promoviert”, Ph.D. colloquium at University of the Arts Berlin
2011 Invited talk at ‘Greenbridge’, Cambridge UK based interdisciplinary design research group into sustainability and ecology. “Experiential Learning, Ecological Literacy and Sustainable Design Training”
2011 Jury member for the SIGgraph Arts Track 2011, Vancouver together with Annick Bureaud, Frank Dufour und Victoria Szabo.
2011 Peer-review for DRS Precision 2012 conference, Bangkok.
2011 Peer-review for ASC Cybernetics & Human Knowing publication 2012.
2011 Peer-review for DRS DESform Design Semantics conference 2012, New Zealand.
2011 Peer-review for ADS-VIS 2011, “Making visible the invisible”, Huddersfield, UK.
2011 Peer-review for IADIS (IHCI) 2011, Sense & Sensibility, Lisbon.
2011 Pre-juror for an ideas competition of the American Society of Cybernetics.
2011 Peer-review for “Design promoviert”, Design Research student colloquium at UdK Berlin.
2011 Peer-review for “IADIS Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI) 2011”, Rome.
2010 presented a poster at a 2-day interdiscplinary invitation-only research event “Challenges of Visualising Biological Data” organised by the Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Arts and Humanties Research Council (AHRC) a poster “From abstract to actual in data visualisation”.
2010 Invited lecture for Ph.D. research students at Nottingham Trent University.

No-attachments, 2004: More on my methodologies (258.0 KB)

PhD Thesis:

Below you may download my PhD Thesis on immersive telematic art and how individuals experience the interaction with live data from remote locations.

The research was conducted at the Art & Design Research Centre of Sheffield Hallam University and funded by a DTRC studentship. It was practice-based and interdisciplinary encompassing Human Computer Interaction and Fine Art practice. My supervisors were media artist/researcher Professor Simon Biggs and Dr. Chris Roast, Reader in HCI. I was examined by Professor Paul Sermon (University of Salford) and Professor Peter Wright (Sheffield Hallam University).

"This is not here: Connectedness, remote experience and immersive telematic art." (compressed pdf, 5 Mb)
Or first read the abstract of the thesis here: Abstract (pdf, 55 kb)

Video Documentation:

The PhD thesis is accompanied by a DVD. This DVD contains an 8 Min video documentation of the work that forms the practice-based part of the research. This video can also be viewed on here:
last update: 10/1/02024 13:53

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