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PDF download of proceedings

Under the care of Dr. Juliet MacDonald the proceedings of the Art, Design and Science in Data Visualisation conference have been published by the University of Huddersfield.

Please download your copy from the University of Huddersfield Repository.
Making visible the invisible: art, design and science in data visualisation. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. ISBN 978-1-86218-103-8 (6 Mb)

The publication demonstrates a whole range of qualities of research into visualisation techniques.

First, i think, the texts demonstrate the inherent inter- and trans-disciplinarity of data-visualisation. Artists collaborating with software developers, graphic designers engaging with environmental sciences, how artistic approaches can become essential in visual communication of scientific data (emotion), or how hands-on application of methods can lead to new knowledge, among many other approaches.
What all works share is that they incorporate skills, knowledge and methodologies from multiple domains. None of these results could have been achieved by a single individual. Not a single submission draws from just single discipline e.g. an artist critically reflecting art, or an archaeologist presenting archaeological artefacts. They all had to cross-over into other domains, learn, reflect and critique on multiple levels. I think as such it is an excellent demonstration of the multi-, trans-, and inter-disciplinarity of design.
Secondly it shows different relationships between theory and practice. While some researchers enjoy to theorise and doing so upon the practice of third parties, others enjoy practice and the theorising becomes an explication of the process of documentation and critical reflection: Producing theory bottom-up, growing out of practice.
These, and more, approaches become visible in this interdisciplinary publication of multiple disciplines engaging in data-visualisation in order to make the invisible visible.

We would like to thank all our peer-reviewers for generously offering their time and expertise:

Ralph Ammer, Simon Biggs, Davide Bocelli,
Emil Bjerrum-Bohr, Cezanne Charles, Rosan
Chow, Dave Clements, Joe Faith, Malcolm
Ferris, Monika Fleischmann, Ranulph
Glanville, Michael Hohl, Sarah Kettley, Robert
Kosara, Linda Lauro-Lazin, Daria Loi, Roger
Malina, John Marshall, Andrew Vande Moere,
Daniel Serig, Gavin Starks, Roberto Trotta,
Brigitta Zics.
Stephen Boyd-Davis, Jaz Choi, Régine
Debatty, Ester Ehiyazaryan, Joe Faith, Marcus
Foth, Ranulph Glanville, Aysegul Jenkinson,
Sarah Kettley, Robert Kosara, Frédérik Lesage,
Roger Malina, Ralf Nuhn

last update: 3/26/02013 0:14

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