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“The Best and the Brightest,” written by David Halberstam from 1969 to 1972. Published by Random House.
This is a riveting read. I found most interesting how Halberstam describes how during the Vietnam War the US generals believed, until the end, that they were close to victory. This is relevant from a constructivist view because it shows the effects of the 'bubble' that likeminded people create amongst themselves. We believe to be real what we want to believe to be real. Reality is what we consider real. We ignore evidence that contradicts our views and select as evidence what confirms our views. So we create our own reality.
Even Charles Darwin wrote about this phenomenon and encourage other to immediately take notes about contradictory evidence as our mind would swiftly 'forget' about it. So forgetting can be important but also quite dangerous.

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last update: 8/12/02013 21:13

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