Location-based website appearance & physical web visit indicatorsPhysical Computing, Ambient displays, presence indication. This research engages in two different aspects which together form the area of "web related presence indication." First there is the aspect of creating an awareness-of-presence here, in physical space the office associated with this website; Then there is the other investigation of exploring the ways in which the visitor, there can become aware of conditions here, the place the website is located at. This could be achieved by dynamically adapting the appearance of the website, allowing a visitor to get a basic idea of current conditions "there," at the remote location. |
Example 1: >>> Local "real world" context (weather) affecting web page visualisationDunstan Orchard's "weather banners," at http://www.1976design.com/blog/colophon/panoramas./ Here a selection of 96 panorama graphics display many possible weather conditions, day or night, phase of the moon and season for his parents home in Devon, UK. These banners are a visualisation of the current, abstract weather data. Through the simple abstraction of depicting weather, season, day or night and phase of the moon more "acurate" then a live webcam image, where the live-characteristics dominate the actual message, weather, geography and context in this case. Their purpose is less informative then emotional. Example 2: <<< Individuals activity on web page visualised at "real world" place."Alerting Infrastructure," a project by Jonah Brucker-Cohen, functions as a physical hit-counter for website activity http://www.coin-operated.com/projects/alertinginfrastructure. Here every time a visitors connects to the project website a jackhammer begins deconstructing the place that the website represents. |
Definition of terms:For reasons of clarity it is necessary to define the terms used here such as presence indication on the web, awareness display, ambient, |
![]() Links:The first two projects, "weather banners" and "alerting infrastructure" give the clearest sense of the context of the conceptual background the two different sides of the research pertain to. Here are several more: |
Web Visit Indicators, Physical Hit CountersSince the Arduino board has become available it is much easier to indicate web visits with physical displays: |
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